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I need you to verify if possible, if the model is exactly this: E3131s-2 You can check the model on the entrance for the SIM card. Please give me your feedback asap

Por Anónimo

Respondiendo a tu pregunta relacionada con : HUAWEI E3131 de MODEM 3G

I need you to verify if possible, if the model is exactly this: E3131s-2 You can check the model on the entrance for the SIM card. Please give me your feedback asap

Now most units are E3131S-2, but some units are other version like E3131S-6.

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Si tienes una pregunta relacionada con HUAWEI E3131, de nuestra categoría MODEM 3G, o similar a la actual I need you to verify if possible, if the model is exactly this: E3131s-2 You can check the model on the entrance for the SIM card. Please give me your feedback asap, puedes dejarnos tu pregunta aquí para que nuestros técnicos puedan ayudarte a resolverla.