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I purchased your product, CoolCam NIP-28FX IP Cam. I would like to ask can i save the video on my hard drive, not stored in the micro SD card? and how about the step?

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Respondiendo a tu pregunta relacionada con : NEO COOLCAM NIP 28 de CAMARAS IP INTERIOR

I purchased your product, CoolCam NIP-28FX IP Cam. I would like to ask can i save the video on my hard drive, not stored in the micro SD card? and how about the step?

You can record on micro SD or from a Browser or Software on a computer. You can record on a computer configured with camera and sofware runs.

CAMARA IP WIFI H264 NEO COOLCAM NIP-28 P2P slot micro sd entrada y salida alarma

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Si tienes una pregunta relacionada con NEO COOLCAM NIP 28, de nuestra categoría Camaras IP Interior, o similar a la actual I purchased your product, CoolCam NIP-28FX IP Cam. I would like to ask can i save the video on my hard drive, not stored in the micro SD card? and how about the step?, puedes dejarnos tu pregunta aquí para que nuestros técnicos puedan ayudarte a resolverla.